Send us Your Video
SEND US YOUR VIDEOS by January 10, 2014.
Brit Olam – Noahide World Center – invites you to be part of a project to document Noahides around the world – who and where they are and something about their lives.
Please send us a video clip of from 3 to 5 minutes (not longer) that describes your life as a Noahide. You might include such elements as:
* Something about yourself
* Why did you decide to become a Noahide?
* A few minutes with your family
* Your synagogue and/or your community
* Video of a rabbi who has advised you
* Noahide ceremonies in which you participated
* Anything else that would interest us
Send your video to the following address: Or make it available for download and send us a message through the “contact us” tab on our website or at the above address. The clips will be incorporated into a documentary film on Noahides and will appear in a gallery on our website/facebook page.
We would like to receive the first round of videos by January 10, 2014 at the latest.
Thank you in advance.
Brit Olam – Noahide World Center