Brit Olam – Noachide World Center in Chinese



Bnei Noah is a group of non-Jews who faithfully observe the Seven Laws of Noah that G-d has commanded them according to teachings of Judaism that is Jewish religious tradition. Those who adopted a public declaration of Bnei Noah they could assume some of Jewish commandments as а custom.


Not to worship idols

Not to worship idols is derived from the verse “Anyone who sacrifices to any god other than the LORD must be destroyed” (Shmot 22:19, or Exodus 22:20).

Not to curse G-d

Not to commit murder is derived from the verse “If anyone sheds human blood, the person’s blood will also be shed…” (Bereishit 9:6, or Genesis 9:6).

Not to commit murder

“If anyone sheds human blood, the person’s blood will also be shed…” (Bereishit 9:6, or Genesis 9:6).

Not to commit sexual immorality

Not to commit sexual immorality is derived from the verse “For all these abominations were done by the people who lived in the land before you” (Vaikra 18:27, or Leviticus 18:27).

Not to steal

Not to steal is derived from the story of Joseph: “If you find the cup with anyone of your servants, let him die” (Bereishit 44:9, or Genesis 44:9).

Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal

Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal is derived from the verse “Only you must never eat any flesh with its lifeblood in it” (Bereishit 9:4, or Genesis 9:4

A commandment to establish courts of justice

A commandment to establish courts of justice is derived from the story of Shehem and Dinah (Bereishit 34:26, or Genesis 34:26)

Deepen your relationship with God!

And God said to Noah and to his sons with him, saying:

“And I, behold I am setting up My covenant with you and
with your seed after you…” [Genesis Chapter 8 verses 8 & 9]

Preliminary Noahide Self-Declaration

WhatsApp, Noachide World Center

Join Bnei Noah Chat by Rabbi Chaim Goldberg