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BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides

We gave this prayer book the name “Brit Olam” (“Everlasting Covenant”), following the Torah’s description of the general covenant between the Creator of the World and mankind, as is written: “And the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will look upon it that I may remember the Everlasting Covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth,” (Genesis, 9:16).The Prayer Book for Noahides «BRIT OLAM» has received the approval of important rabbis and prominent figures who have written greetings to Noahides in general and to Brit Olam in particular for their labor of disseminating the Torah of Israel around the world.The structure of the siddur is very close to that of the Jewish Siddur, and it includes prayers for regular weekdays and special holidays. Also we include a special section «Gates of Learning» to help clarify the fundamental principles of faith.May it be the will of the Creator of Mankind that the words of His Prophet come to pass in our day and age: “And many nations shall come and say, Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the House of the God of Yaakov; and he will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths, for Torah shall go forth from Zion, and the word of Hashem from Jerusalem,” (Micah, 4:2).May it come to pass speedily, in our time.

Oury Cherki
Yerushalayim – Capital of Israel

  1.  To order a hard copy of «BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides»*

  2. To download  «BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides» in format e-book click “Purchase and Download” buttonPlease contact us if your download will not start automatically after paying.

  3. To install the application of «BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides» for Android

  4. Read online «Brit Shalom», Practical Application of Noachide Laws

*If you want to order a number of copies please contact us to get a special discount.

Noahide World Center

In response to the spiritual and value-driven demand for the word of God to be disseminated by the nation of Israel to all of mankind, we have established “Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center” in Jerusalem. We are in constant contact with many people all over the world who have a strong desire to learn the words of God.


  1. Should Not God’s words & Commandments be Freely given ?
    Is the Word for only those that can afford it ? (10 dollars)
    I want to learn more & so do many others about the Covenant .
    I cannot seemingly find a Free version
    Why does the Spread of God’s word & Commandments etc always seem to come down to Money .
    One cannot Serve 2 masters
    I feel this should be Freely given to
    All who would hear it .
    Do not tell me that you are Not willing or capable to make this possible as that would be a Lie .
    To charge for something that is Meant to be free given (God’s Commandments etc ) then is that
    Not theft ?
    Yes I have Scores to Learn about the Torrah and Customs to become a proper Noachide ; consider my questions as those of an Infant having Not Reached the Age of Majority .
    Separately Id like to Know if American Indigenous Population were Deemed one of the Lost tribes of Isreal be it many written portions of their Language and Pictographs were in Ancient Hebrew (Fact) to include the Star of David .
    I’m not Mormon Hwvr John Smith argued this in his time w evidence .
    Has Isreal accepted this ?
    If so what is being done to Spread God’s Torrah and 7 Laws w them ?

    Pls articulate any replies in an Adult manner (ie politely as I ask humbly here )
    Again I Mean absolutely No disrespect
    In anyway .
    Keep in mind pls I was raised as a Gentile and this Is not my Fault .
    My fault would be to Not want to
    Learn God’s Commandments or intentionally disregard them ; in the process forfeiting my Life not just my Soul .
    Teach Us Please :
    Pls answer if You can
    Pls feel free to pull my questions down and answer to my Gmail directly .
    I’m sure I may offend someone here and if so again. That is Not my intent in any way .
    If I’ve offended; Please forgive me

    1. If you go to any Orthodox synagogue the Rabbi is more than willing to teach you all you need to know for free. Also you can sit and read the books that are there and even join in on lectures and study with any of the members. I myself do private lessons with Noachides in my area at no charge. Most of the time the reason people charge for these book is because they had to spend money to get them translated to English which is a very complicated job. To your second question about America being part of the lost tribes the answer is no they are they descendants of Esav however that doesn’t mean there aren’t some of the people that are from the lost tribes because they were spread out over the entire world, no one knows who is part of the lost tribes and only the Moshiach will be able to determine who is when the time comes.

      1. Come on people–don’t they have the right to ask for money to cover the cost of the book and shipping?

  2. When I go to the link to see about purchasing a physical copy of Bit Olam it takes me to the main page of createspace. Is the link old or broken?

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