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Did You Miss Broadcast Number 2?

**  Videos of the second Brit Olam live broadcast  — December 30, 2012 **

Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center in Jerusalem 

Videos of the Interactive Lectures

December 30, 2012


Part 1 — “WE’RE STILL HERE: End of Time Prophesies” – Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander — Learned at Yeshiva Poneviz and under the late Rabbi Yitzchak Kolitz. M.Sc. in theoretical physics. Active in Noahide activities since 2006.

 — The attitude of Jewish tradition to studies of divinity and predictions of when the Messiah will come. Click Here

Part 2 — “From There, I will Cause you to Return” – Yochanan Castellanos — A former priest from Texas who converted to Judaism and now lives in Israel.

 — The journey of a Christian priest to Judaism. Click Here


Brit Olam Broadcast Number 1 took place on December 2, 2012. For a recording of this session, click here.




Noahide World Center

In response to the spiritual and value-driven demand for the word of God to be disseminated by the nation of Israel to all of mankind, we have established “Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center” in Jerusalem. We are in constant contact with many people all over the world who have a strong desire to learn the words of God.

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