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Video of Livni Book Launch

A “book launch” of “The Return of Israel” by Abraham Livni. Dr. Moshe Goldberg reviews the book, giving a view of the mission of the people of Israel in a 2000-year perspective,

Abraham Livni’s book is a masterpiece of historical insight which encompasses the entire history of mankind, from the time of creation until today, based on the philosophy of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook. The thesis of this book is that the redemption of the Jews as it is manifested in the creation of the modern State of Israel is the culmination of meta-historical processes which will lead to the healing of the moral state of the world. The completion of this process is the ultimate goal of creation.

Moshe Goldberg gave this lecture at the OU Israel Center on Monday, April 22, 2013.

Noahide World Center

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