Rav Cherki Message to Noahide Conference in the Philippines
Rabbi Oury Cherki sent a video message to the QCHU Noahide community during Pesach of 5775 for their General Noahide Assembly, in Cebu, Philistinnes.
Summary: The redemption from Egypt was not complete in that it should have encompassed all of the world but it only included the Children of Israel. Shavuot, the holiday of receiving the Torah, is separated from Pesach, the holiday of the Exodus, by fifty days because the Children of Israel did not achieve true freedom in that they were forced into accepting the Torah. A truly free man must accept the mitzvot of the Torah without any coercion.
More and more of today’s Noahides, by accepting commandments in addition to the basic seven mitzvot, are helping to pave the way for total willing acceptance of the Torah throughout the world. Then, when the Divine prophecies are fulfilled, there will be no need for one person to teach another, since the Knowledge of G-d will fill the entire world.
There is a controversy between the Western World, which feels that the individual is at the center of existence, and the Moslem World, which insists that God is at the center. Judsism has a solution to this dilemma – that neither one is at the center, but that the dialogue between man and God is at the center of our existence.
Let us all work together to achieve this ideal state of peace throughout the world.
Here is the full video message –