Significance of the Destruction of the Temple
Q: What is lacking in the world because of the destruction of the Temple?
Q: What is lacking in the world because of the destruction of the Temple?
A: The Talmud states that if the world knew what they were missing because of the destruction of the Temple, the nations would have placed armed guards around it so that it would never have been destroyed.
The Temple is the place of atonement for the sins of all of humanity, by virtue of the seventy oxen sacrificed by Israel on the holiday of Succot. It is also the place where the holy Shechina appears, causing joy in the whole world and making the lives of all human beings happy.
When the joy was taken away the recognition of G-d disappeared. From the time of the destruction, G-d was transformed into a concept instead of a living reality. This is a tragedy for all humanity, which no longer recognizes the Creator.