Ask the Rabbi - Basic Concepts

How Compassionate should I be?

I can’t shake the compassion I feel for a friend/former girlfriend?

–Details:I have a friend who I dated recently for about a year. but then became my friend because she was lying to people to gain money. So she is a liar and a thief and worships holy death a Mexican deity. I’m a recent noahide and been advised by a chabad rabbi to cut ties with her completely. Including prayer, but I’m filled with compassion and spiritual love for her. I’m torn between the two, my heart tells me to be her friend and pray for her redemption. But what is the right thing to do in the eyes of G_d. I want to do his will, I need wisdom from G_d. My soul wont allow me to walk away I really tried honestly. Thank you in advance for any input you may have for me, for saying that I’m torn is an understatement.

Noahide World Center

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