Ask the Rabbi - Customs and Practices

Women and Prayer

Q: I have an ArtScroll Siddur and a Tehillim. As a woman, are there any prayers that I should not do?

Q: Hello, I recently acquired an ArtScroll Siddur and a Tehillim. As a woman, are there any prayers that I should not do? Obviously the morning prayers of donning the Tzitzis, Tallis, and Tefillin would be a no go, but are there others? I did not notice there were any prayer books for women. Are women supposed to recite the Shema blessings, and Tehillim? Thank you for your time, JSPE

A: The Artscroll Siddur is really meant for Jews and Jewesses, and we recommend at this time the OKBNS Siddur which is available through the Oklahoma Bnei Noach website,
However, the Artscroll is very good, and I see no reason you cannot use it with necessary adaptations, such as deleting the relationship with the patriarchs [ie not “of our fathers…” ].
These issues have been dealt with in the OKBNS Siddur.

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