Ask the Rabbi - Customs and Practices
Where can Noachides come together?
Q: Christians go to church, Jews go to synagogue. Muslims go to mosque. Where can Noachides come together?
A: Noahides can come to synagogues, but they should announce to the Shamash that they cannot participate as a part of the Minyan (=the minimum of ten male adult jews required for the public prayer) or in the public reading of the Torah. In ancient times, there was a special area in the synagogue for Noahides, who were known as “Yirei Hashem” (G-d fearing people). When the phenomem of Noahism will be more prominent than now, it will be possible to re-create this institution. Another possibility, which is used in some places in the world, is to establish Noahide meeting places (“synagogues”) for studying and praying together, or for social gatherings.
We live in diffucult times of globalization and melting cultures together. Jewish existence in the diaspora mostly needs strict security. Therefore it is often hard to find open doors for Gere Toshav or committed Noahides. For them it is essential not to loose hope and focus on strengthening their personal bond to HaShem via the Brit Olam Prayerbook and a Tallit to feel existentially under the Shechina of the G’d of Israel.