
The Team

Chaitman of Noahide World Center

Rabbi Oury Cherki

Executive Director

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Head of the English-language Department

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Head of the Russian-language Department

Rabbi Zeev Rubins

Noahide World Center

In response to the spiritual and value-driven demand for the word of God to be disseminated by the nation of Israel to all of mankind, we have established “Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center” in Jerusalem. We are in constant contact with many people all over the world who have a strong desire to learn the words of God.

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  1. Hello

    I am a Catholic who is searching & researching my relationship with God. I was listening to Tovia Singer who was discussing the Noahide covenant. This has left me with a thirst to learn more, but where do I start?

    Thank you

  2. Dear Scott,
    Most of our materials are displaying here at the site, FB ( or Youtube (

    You could use our Contact Form ( to ask a questions.

    Just now we haven`t on-line lessons, but we plan to organize it in a future. Pls consider to subscribe to our newsletter (form on the right sidebar) to be informed about our news.

    All the best.

    Nathan Bar
    Brit Olam

  3. Dear Rabbi Cherki, today we heard from the terrible terror attack that took your son Shalom out of this life. We read about his warm and kind character, the love and peace he brought and the Torah he loved with all his heart and soul. We want to express our deepest condolence to you and your family. May the memory of your righteous son be a blessing and may The King of Peace comfort you and your family.

    Alav Ha-sholom.

    Hamo-kom Y’na-chayim es-chem
    b’soch sh’or avay-lay
    tzi-yon viru-sholo-yim

    Family Janse

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