Ask the Rabbi - Customs and Practices
Should a Noahide wear a Kippa?
Q: Should a Noahide wear a kippa or some similar article of clothing?
Q: My question is about whether a Noahide should wear a kippa (skullcap). Wearing a kippa makes us feel that we are always standing in front of G-d and helps to teach us the fear of heaven. Are Noahides required to wear a kippa or some similar article of clothing, like the Jews?
A: A Noahide is not required to wear a kippa. I recommend that if they want to cover their head it would be best to do it in a way that is different from what is done by Jews. This can help avoid embarrassing situations caused by mistakes in identity or even a broken heart when a person is surprised to find that his or her friend is not Jewish.
During prayer, a Jew should covers his head. how would this translate to an Noachide?