Davao CityPhilippines


NEW*** Pictures, June 2013 *** NEW

We are in the Philippines.


* * * NEW * * * Film of a number of communities, June 2013  click here * * *


Pictures and films of gatherings in Philippines, Pesach 2012 

Picture galaries:

Cebu: click here.

Films of Pesach meetings:

* QCHU local Assembly 2012.

* Noahide New Member

* QCHU NOahide Remembering Jewish Pesach 2012

* QCHU Youth Playing with lessons


Pictures and films of gathering in Zamboanga for Pesach 2011 ***

See picture gallery here.

Film clips:  film1  film2   film3   film4   film5


We have an approximate population of 400 individuals, all are Ex Christian.

We have 9 Noahide Synagogue located mostly in Mindanao and 2 others in Cebu and Leyte.
We all totally left xtian and reject the man Jesus in full extent and embrace the ONENESS of Hashem.
We proudly follow the 7 laws and accept the TORAH that it is true, and we humbly submit ourselves as a group to the guidance of Jewish people (Judaism).
Every year we conducted an assembly meeting twice a year during Jewish Pisach and feast of Tabernacle, and this assembly will last 8 to 10 days. during this time we focus studying Noahide laws from the courses with lesson from ask noah site. Then we also study some portion of Torah and also we study the weekly parshat given by rabbi Bolton.
Our group was a registered group in our government so we can do anything legal like officiating marriage ceremony, we can also issue legal documents like certificates to our members necessary for any legal purpose, we also conduct youth seminars and livelihood program for the women’s and youth who dont
have jobs.
We have an interim council with a member of 10 who will decide the civil and ecclisiastical issues , we dont eat unkosher food but we do this as an hygenic purposes and not part of 7 laws. We had also a regular seventh day services at the synagogue that will start on friday evening, we have our own seventh day services reading’s . Our studies mainly coming from ON lLINE  from our friend Rabbi’s  and Jews and also from other Noahide outside our country.
We dont have yet books like Tanach and Chumash and other Noahide Materials what we have is only a link of a books .
We have 9 synagogues facing towards Jerusalem,  with an open window infront so that prayers may easily reach Jerusalem.
Other member of QCHU were located at:
Pinamungahan Cebu with 1 synagogue
Sto. Rosario , Leyte with 1 Synagogue
Zamboanga City 1 synagogue
All around Zamboanga del Norte with 6 synagogues
Other Noahide communities are located at: Iligan City, Cagayan City, Maramag Bukidnun and Mainit Nabunturan Davao Del Norte.
Our main office address:
Prk. Old San Isidro,Buhangin
Davao City 8000
Contact Number is  +6390202385452

Noahide World Center

In response to the spiritual and value-driven demand for the word of God to be disseminated by the nation of Israel to all of mankind, we have established “Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center” in Jerusalem. We are in constant contact with many people all over the world who have a strong desire to learn the words of God.


  1. Noahide laws are BLASPHEMY! I AM YISRAEL and I don’t need to be from the tribe of Judah to follow the Torah (Bamidbar 15:16,19). I will continue to worship YHWH, keep Shabbat and Kashrut and ALL the Mitzvot that applies to me. You can keep your Talmud. My authority is YHWH and what HE says, not what man says~ Look at the Noahide laws. If you are a goy, you can’t keep the Shabbat or you will be subject to DEATH. Look it up, don’t take my word for it.
    Todah Rabba

    1. I am new to Noahide and no group yet. I am now for my own observance how to be Noahide after departing from my former faith as a roman catholic.

      In my little knowledge about Noahide, I agree with what you said.
      Noahide should never mimic Jewish practicing Judaism. Judaism is for the Jews only. Noahide should not mimic Jewish people, otherwise it will be considered profanity nor create another religion.

      I cannot tell so much because I am new in Noahide. I get my knowledge from R’Michael Skobac who is based in Toronto, Canada. He is a genius. I have learned a lot from him by listening to his videos on youtube, he is the best lecturer I have ever known.

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