Ask the Rabbi - Customs and Practices


Q: What are the in-depth reasons for prohibiting the Jews to eat pork? French culture is steeped in the custom of eating pork, should a Noahide refrain from eating it?

Q: What are the in-depth reasons for prohibiting the Jews to eat pork? French culture is steeped in the custom of eating pork, should a Noahide refrain from eating it?

A: The pig symbolizes the hypocrisy of one who hides behind a false facade of purity (its hoofs are split) together with internal impurity (it does not chew its cud). In some ways it has a human appearance (its flesh is similar to human flesh) but it is not human (and it is immoral). A Noahide who wishes to abide by the prohibition of eating pork is allowed to do so.

Rabbi Oury Cherki

Rav Oury Cherki was born in Algeria in 1959 and grew up in France, and he made Aliyah in 1972. He studied at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, which was founded by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook. He performed his military service in the artillery branch of the IDF. He studied with Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, Rav Yehuda Leon Ashkenazi (Manitou), Rav Shlomo Binyamin and Achlag. Rav Cherki heads the Israeli department of Machon Meir, and he is the Director of Brit Olam - the Noahide World Center. He teaches in many places throughout Israel. Rav Cherki is the spiritual leader of the "Beth Yehuda" community in Kiryat Moshe (Jerusalem). He has written many books on Jewish thought and philosophy.

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