
email group

The Noahides Group is a “virtual” community.

The Noahides Group is a “virtual” community. It is a moderated email discussion group at
We currently have almost 500 members scattered around the world.  Most of us are isolated so the best way for us to communicate is through email which we do via the website.

The original website was on geocities, which closed down, but two different websites archived the historical geocities webpages so now it is archived at and at
The Noahides email group has been at Yahoogroups since November 1998. Prior to that we were on a couple of different servers, which came under new ownership. It was ‘egroups’ before Yahoo bought it.

Noahide World Center

In response to the spiritual and value-driven demand for the word of God to be disseminated by the nation of Israel to all of mankind, we have established “Brit Olam – the Noahide World Center” in Jerusalem. We are in constant contact with many people all over the world who have a strong desire to learn the words of God.


  1. Hi There,

    Just wanted to know if you have any potential Noachides or those who wanted to know about noachide laws and application in Melbourne , Australia. Dr. Rabbi Shimon Cowen is conducting classes on Sundays. if you are interested send an email though


    Chaim Daniel

  2. Dear Chaim Daniel

    I just noticed the following message posted on the Noahide site

    My home is in Hamilton, Brisbane and would welcome connecting Dr Rabbi Shikina Cowan and other Noahides to study Noahide law.

    Warm Regards

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